
Lin Yifeng reported safety in Myanmar

  [US] Lin Yifeng said on the social network that everything is fine. [TW] 林一峰在社交網自言一切安好。 The Myanmar military launched a coup d’état to regain power on the grounds of election fraud on the 1st of this month (Monday), detaining state Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Min and other senior officials of the literati government and the ruling party, and declared a state of emergency for one year. , The local people successively launched civil disobedience to show their dissatisfaction. Singer Lin Yifeng in Myanmar uploaded a photo to the social network on Monday to report safety. He said he was in Yangon: "I am still alive, we are alive with hope." Lin Yifeng disclosed in the article that he once lived in a place where the lives of villagers were threatened at any time, the town could be instantly destroyed by a tornado, and there were mass killings and school shootings. These things happened long before the villagers were born. Although everyone seemed to be unable to do...


• Do you gamble often until you are penniless? • Do you feel restless or upset when you try to reduce gambling? • Does gambling affect your work performance or family life? • Is the time you spend gambling often longer than planned? • Do you often bet more than you can afford? [TW]  • 你是否經常賭博,直至身無分文? • 你嘗試減少賭博時感到坐立不安或心煩氣燥? • 賭博有否影響你的工作表現或家庭生活? • 你用於賭博的時間,是否經常比預定的長? • 你是否經常以超出自己所能負擔的金額下注?

If you think that you or someone around you has a problematic gambling behavior, please contact:

  For most people, gambling is an acceptable and interesting entertainment. However, a small number of people are overly addicted to gambling, which endangers themselves and the lives of their families. Problem gambling has different degrees of severity, but it often leads to family relationship problems, financial difficulties, poor job performance, and emotional out-of-control. Pinghe Fund Hotline: 1834 633 Guidelines for controlled gambling Characterization of problem gambling Ask for help Service provider: Caritas Chin Ching Centre, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Ping Wo Fong Problem Gambling Centre, Zion Social Service Office and Li Xuan Counselling Centre, Lutheran Youth Centre [TW] 你若認為自己或身邊有人出現問題賭博的行為,請聯絡: 對大多數人來說,博彩是一種可以接受和富有趣味性的娛樂。然而,有少數人卻過度沉迷賭博,危害自己和家人的生活。問題賭博有不同的嚴重程度,但往往會導致家人關係出現問題、經濟困難、工作表現欠佳,以及情緒失控等。 平和基金熱線:1834 633 有節制博彩的指引 問題賭博的表徵 尋求協助 提供服務機構: 明愛展晴中心 東華三院平和坊問題賭博中心 錫安社會服務處勗勵軒輔導中心 路德會青亮中心

Characterization of problem gambling

  If you have the following symptoms, it means that you may have problem gambling behavior and need further evaluation: • Do you think about gambling every day? • Have you ever concealed the amount of gambling from people around you? • Feel guilty about your gambling behavior? • Have you ever gambled on credit? • Will you place a bet with the payment in arrears? • Will you continue to bet after losing money in order to get your money back? Related counseling services: • Absolutely confidential • Provided by well-trained professional counselors [TW] 問題賭博的表徵 你若有下列徵狀,即表示你有機會有問題賭博行為,並需要進一步評估: • 你是否每天都想著賭博? • 你可曾對身邊的人隱瞞賭博金額? • 對自己的賭博行為感到內疚? • 你可曾進行信貸賭博? • 你會否用拖欠賑單的款項下注? • 你輸錢後會否繼續下注,以求回本? 有關輔導服務: • 絕對保密 • 由訓練有素的專業輔導人員提供

Guidelines for controlled gambling

Gambling should be controlled and follow the following guidelines to treat gambling as a pastime: Set a betting budget and place bets according to the budget Only bet on the amount you can afford Do not continue to bet after losing money in order to get back the cost No credit betting Don't just focus on gambling and ignore other leisure activities [TW] 有節制博彩的指引 博彩宜有節制,並遵循下列指引,將博彩當作消遣娛樂: 訂定博彩預算,並按預算下注 僅以自己所能負擔的款額下注 切勿在輸錢後繼續投注以求回本 不進行信貸投注 不要只顧博彩而忽略其他消閒活動